Okay so its been a while since I wrote anything here, and that is awful. I was trying to keep up with this and I guess I just lost track. Things have been hectic, but not as much as they should have been. Basically, I have a lot of work to do, but it hasn't been too hectic so far, because I haven't done the work. Now I'm freaking out.
My work:
1. 3000 word essay about Anti-Semitism/Anti-Judaism in the Gospel of John - Is it intentional? Is it just a non-harmful way of describing a religious group of people? How much is down to interpretation? Should the author have responsibility for how others, some hundreds of years later, interpret his text? Should he be responsible for the way people use his text to push their own prejudice views? Was his message meant to be global, or just to those at the time when early Christians were being prosecuted by the Jews. What do we say of the use of his work being used in Nazi propaganda?
There are a lot of questions here. I am starting to panic. It is in for the 12th April 2010.
2. 3000 word essay about why the 5 Ks are important to Sikh identity. Here I am going to talk about what the 5Ks originally and traditionally meant for Sikhs, largely those living in the Punjab, and then talk about the contempory issues of modernity (fashion, less traditional), and the diaspora of Sikhs worldwide - does living in another country which perhaps dresses differently and perhaps knows little of Sikh/Indian culture, tradition and beliefs make some Sikhs less traditional themselves and try harder to integrate into their new society.
This essay shouldn't be too hard. I kind of know where I am going with this, however, I have not made any notes yet. It is in for 23rd April 2010
3. What I am really cacking myself about is my dissertation. I have been very naughty. I have had all this time and done very little work. I have a lot of reading and notes to make. Then I need to write another 8000 words, which I'm sure will come fine if I do the reading, but can I really do all that reading in such a small amount of time? and with time flying by, will I be able to reach a good standard and write about what they expect me to write about? This is in for May 1st 2010.
4. Exam for Sikhism. Not sure of the date yet - I have a lot of studying and spelling to learn! Will probably be in early May 2010.
5. Exegesis for the module on John - 1500 words. In for 10th May 2010 I think.
So yes. A lot of work, to say the least. And the worse thing is? I can't be bothered. I'm so mentally drained it scares me considering how much work I have to do. I'm absolutely cacking myself. And to make matters worse, I go back to Bangor on Sat 10th April 2010 and I have no money. My loan doesn't go in till the 23rd. What will I do for food?!
This is stressing me out just thinking about it. I should get back to work :(
How to sew a fabric rug : Tutorial
1 year ago
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